Another blog? Yes, alas. I can't stop blogging. 1776 is over and except for a few more entries to finish off something I started there is nothing else to add. But I have been suffering from blog withdrawal. I am involved in a related theatre blog but that isn't up and going yet.
I actually couldn't figure out what to do with this "space" that Katie created for me. But I was talking to a friend the other day about our trip to New York. I sent her to Kate's blog to look at pictures of NY and her new apartment, wishing that Katie had posted more photos. It was then that I realized that I could post photos myself. So, thus the "new" blog was created.
What will I do here? Who knows. I'm hoping to post photos, keep you posted on the family, send you to interesting places, comment of life, update you on the life of a first year med student (although you might want to check out Katie's blog...drkatiegoestomedschool.blogspot.com) and just chat about random things.
The photos above are of the town beach in Schroon Lake and the band shell overlooking the lake.