Thank goodness! Lansing is well prepared for a Zombie attack. We have been assured by the chief of [olice that a plan is in action just in case of a zombie attack Phew!
Last week, a news item out of Lansing appeared in the British tabloid, The Sun.It read: "Potty police lieutenant Bruce Ferguson has stockpiled chain saws so his men can lop off the heads of zombies if they invade Lansing, Michigan, US.""Potty," to the Brits, means something along the lines of "nutty."
According to Ferguson, "We can feel confident if zombies start invading. We know how to close the streets. If a swarm comes in on I-496 westbound, we'll block off the exits so they'll miss the city. If the undead did attack you'd have three options: come up with an escape plan, cower in your basement, or head out to the nearest store and buy a machete and a .357 magnum and start cracking craniums."
A similar piece ran in the New York Post.The story was aired as actual news on radio stations in New Jersey and North Carolina and in other states as well.In fact, a quick Google search or two will turn up versions of that story written in German, French, Danish, Greek, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, Latvian and Icelandic.
"Whether you're in Britain, the Czech Republic or in New Jersey, the threat of the undead is always lying just below the surface - especially in Jersey. I'm glad we were able to alert local residents and others to Lansing's pro-active stance."
Check out the whole article at lansingnoise.com
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