Sunday, February 15, 2009

Prayer Bead Workshop

Are you longing for a way to bring more spirituality into your life? Are you looking for a practice that will focus your attention on meditation, prayer and growth?
If so, please join me a People's Church, 200 W. Grand River, East Lansing for a contemporary prayer bead workshop. We will be designing and making nondenominational prayer beads that are unique to you and will reflect your own story and journey. You'll learn about the history of beads and prayer beads, color and number theory, and jewelry making basics and techniques.

The workshop is Saturday, February 28 from 9-12 and the cost is $15. No experience is necessary.

Interested? Contact Robin Weber 332-5073
to sign up and receive a materials list and further information.

This workshop is ideal for women's groups, spirituality groups, church organizations, libraries, and shops . If you are interested in hosting a workshop please email me at

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What a nice idea!