To all my friends, family, and dear readers of this blog;
You may notice that for a week or so there will be a post or two or even more about The Rothschilds, the musical I just finished directing, and perhaps a new ones ortwo on the Rothschilds'blog. It is addicting! I ask for your patience. I'm trying to transition from an intense, all consuming 12 weeks of rehearsals, comraderie, hard work, and just plain fun into returning to a "normal" existence. I'm resuming the Jane in the Jungle blog and phasing out The Rothschilds blog.
As I mentioned on Facebook one night, "I am bereft. Closing a show is like losing your best friend." It is a real loss and there is a time of mourning. We call it the post show blues, kind of like post- partum blues. You can't go through an intense experience like either without feeling a bit of loss, aimlessness and sadness.
Thank you to my dear, dear friend Wendy who reminded me that SHE was still here and that I hadn't lost my best friend afterall.
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