Women artisan's sale Set up (avove and right) at The Iron Pig
Yikes!!! It's been almost a month since I last posted on this blog. Where did the time go?? What
on earth have I been doing?
New pins made with Vintage postcards Pink and black tree at Women ArtisansI'll try to catch you up and post pictures above. I haven't quite figured out how to
imbed pictures in my text so they all end up at the top of my blog entry. Maybe over break I'll have Katie help me.
It's Art and Craft season and I've been doing a lot of shows. The first weekend of November I invited 4 crafty friends to do a show at our house. It was wonderfully successful and a so much fun. The weekend after that I was in the 3 day Mason Christmas Craft Show and again did exceptionally well. For the past 3 years I have been floating from "house to house" on this sale (there are 20 houses featuring about 40+ artisans) and I found myself at the delightful Iron Pig Antiques. Helen and Leroy Townsend and their daughter Jeanine were such gracious and generous hosts that by the end of the weekend it seemed like we were family. In fact, over the three days I met many of their family members and learned a good deal more about the Townsend family. I had a blast. Thank you
Thanksgiving arrived along with my daughter Katie! It was so good to have her home for a few days. I am blessed that she is in school so close to home; Detroit is only and hour and a half drive from here. I see her often but there's nothing quite like having her home. I'm looking forward to her three week break for Christmas.
The following weekend I did an amazing show, a new one for me, at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center called Lansing Women Artisan's Holiday Sale. Very classy and beautiful handcrafted items. I decided to decorate my area in black and pink! So
much fun and very different. My good friend Dan has also been sharing my jewelry with his clients, he's a hair stylist, and with the cast of
Spamelot, he does hair for the traveling shows. I've been finishing up special orders and having fun restyling some jewelry for a client of mine.
It's probably time to do some Christmas shopping now.