Let it Snow! And it did. So for my southern friends, here's your White Christmas.

10" of snow fell here in Michigan from New Year's Eve through last night. What a glorious sight.
In Detroit, where Katie lives, they received a whopping 16" of snow, a record for them.

A view from the backyard.
The towering pines that frame our yard.

Izzy at almost 8 months playing with her favorite outdoor toy.
She spends a lot of time tossing the ball up in the air and catching it. A gift from her next door dog friend Maggie.

Love the snow pix, but don't you wish you could shoot warm things? They're lovely! (As is Maggie!)
mrs jane
This is Britt, Bev's son. I want to invite you to come to my mom's blog to see what your donation did in the lives of the Thai orphans. Thank you very much for your support and prayers for your orphan. It was greatly appreciated! Britt
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