In Scouting there is a ceremony where a Cub Scout "Crosses Over" and becomes a Boy Scout. The scout master announces, "You have been called before the pack because you have satisfied the requirements for Cub Scouts' highest rank." A scout is then presented with The Arrow of Light Badge with bands of color each with its own meaning. The boys walk across a wooden bridge, usually built by some of the scouts Dad's, into the new world of Boy Scouts. Still scouts but a rank higher.
And so it is with my daughter. Still a student, not yet a full fledged doctor but doing "Dr." stuff. It's a huge transition; this crossing over from student to professional. It means 14 hour days, working days, nights, and weekends, no time for laundry, shopping, or cooking , reading charts, interpreting tests, having patients she calls "my" patient, assisting, doing, watching, and learning.
And so my brilliant, witty, caring, beautiful daughter I award to you your own Arrow of Light Badge. The meaning of the yellow of the Arrow of Light seems to transcend scouting. The scoutmaster intones: "Within the teepees of many braves, the Arrow of Light has an honored place. Its shaft is straight and narrow : just as is the path that you (Scouts) should follow throughout your life. Its tip points the way : the way to success in all that you do. It is pointing to the right : a symbol that nothing should be left undone; if it is within your power to do it, see that it is done. And lastly, this is the symbol of the seven rays of the sun, one for each day of the week; this is to remind you that every day is a new day : a day to Do Your Best in everything:
I send congratulations to Katie -- that's truly special!
Happy Summer!
Janey Jane..I absolutely loved this. Amazing writing. I miss miss miss your blog. Your personal blog that is. When will you begin writing there again? Your hiatus is OVER...O V E R...over. I hope. xoxo Wendy
Oh, Jane, I just re-read this, and yes, this touches my heart not only for Katie's accomplishments, but your recognition of them.
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